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progress through training

Learning is like rowing against the tide - as soon as you stop, you drift back.


There are very different employee characters. Some drive themselves to stay up to date or to conquer a new field. With others, on the other hand, it is more the case that you hold on to what you have learned once and find it difficult to absorb something new.
As a manager, managing director or owner of a company, you naturally want your employees to be methodically and professionally up to date. In our rapidly changing world, this can only be achieved through regular further training.
You can achieve a competitive advantage not only with motivated, but also with ideally qualified employees. A good product is no longer enough today to be successful in the long run.
We therefore suggest that you regularly further qualify your employees.
Overall, a distinction is made between continuing vocational training:
  • familiarization,
  • Training,
  • Retraining,
  • the acquisition of an additional qualification,
  • self-taught further training and
  • In-service training
The range is very diverse. The main types are ...

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